Friday, April 1, 2011

Confirmed news!

On March 17th, we had our anatomy scan, aka ultrasound to confirm our little one's gender. As most of you know, I've felt all along we were having a girl, but we wanted and needed to make sure. So,'s a GIRL!

She's waving "Hi" or.... (giving us the finger here haha) : )


  1. YAY! Every time I go shopping I want to buy something for her. Shopping for little girls is so fun!!!!

  2. YAYYYYY! congrats! that's so exciting! Now time for a name! :)

  3. Apparently my blog doesn't tell me when people post. Can't wait to buy more cute girl stuff!

  4. Emma, we are naming her Addison Morgan



About Us

We met at a job in December 2006 and were officially dating by March 2007. We were married March 7, 2009. Brian is a savvy website designer with great imagination and dedication to his work. Lisa works at a high school taking care of babies and toddlers of teen moms and would like to someday go back to school to get her BSN.